Part 19: Tying up loose ends.
Update 17: Tying up loose ends.

Welcome to the post-game round-up and Tank Masters preparation session, everyone! We have a small checklist of things to take of right now, which includes:
-Talking to Big Daddy
-Investigating the Heros Well
-Talking to Slimechanic
-Revisiting the Flying Clawtress
-Seeing if Slivals still around
-Getting new ammo
Hmm Yep, I think thats about it. So since were right here, lets get those first three out of the way.

Before going to fight Don Clawleone, I actually went and nabbed a special medicine off the Clawtress Jinksters. Ill want a few more later on, but for now lets help dear old pops with his back problems.

Big Daddy uses the special medicine. His back is cured in an instant!

Lets go take a quick peek at how Rockets parents perform.

With 5 HP and a complete focus on combat, Big Daddy will wreck opponents with ease. The only question is whether you want him guarding your stuff, or wailing on the enemies in their own tank.

Mama Mia is pretty decent at loading cannons, and she can defend herself if needed with 4 HP and the Frizz spell. But her real value lies in her special Mum Missile command, which well see in action a little later.
Since were in the garage, lets also have a peek at Slimechanics last two upgrades.

But before we go out and start gathering up the materials for that, theres the small matter of this well to take care of.

Well, well, well. This is an obvious joke.

For the best piece of ammo in the game? Hell yes we will!

The Goddess trial is very simple, since the possessed Clawleone acts exactly the same way he does during the tank battle with Flucifer, and both Hooly and Bo will attack him if he appears close enough to them.

You could actually lose this one if you tried to just leave it to them, but its honestly not a hard task.

Hell, Rockets friends will even jump over the ring of fire attack most of the time. You basically have your work cut out for you.

And with that, we get booted out of the well with a new sword to shoot at our foes.

A mighty attacking weapon, truly worthy of the name hero, that does a massive amount of damage.
Combining the protective qualities of an iron shield with huge attack power means that this immediately goes into the Schleimans ammo racks.

A brief bit of alchemy later, its time to head out and take care of business elsewhere.

Our first port of call is the Flying Clawtress, where there are two important matters to take care of. For starters, lets investigate Slivals battle podium.

Oops, it seems to be infested with some two-bit rapper. Better fix that.

And you know what they say The family that slays together stays together! With all those Dancing Flames to contend with, Big Daddy will have plenty to do. And of course, I need to show off Mum Missile. So sit back and watch the magic unfold.

The enemies get straight into trying to invade us, leaving the S. Cargo criminally understaffed. And after about a ten-second charge time, Mama Mia has her spell ready to go.

I manage to mess up the first time though; it seems that you have to catch Mama Mia before she touches the ground, or she loses the magic shes stored up.

When she gets a proper shot off, though

The enemy has a pretty nice selection of ammo, but it cant hold up against the punishment the Schleiman puts out for very long.

The S. Cargo is an easy and very rewarding fight, because it will cough up Orichalcum, Meteorites and the occasional Kafrizzle on rematches.

The first time will yield our one and only BS-3 Slimahawk.

Its needless to say that I will be kicking this Platypunks butt up and down the Clawtress.

The other matter we need to take care of up here is to fight the final boss again. The dialogue here is actually pretty fantastic, so youre getting it all.

Clearly not a very good one, given that shes willing to doom the world for food.

See, I totally learnt my lesson from last time!

The specter comes out, and

Hey, his second form has a proper name. How about that.
Some buttkicking later

And of course

Wow, what an entitled little Well actually, shes certainly not little.

Youd think hed be more grateful for being awakened again.

TooMuchAbstraction posted:
I'm glad that they actually let you fight all the killbots instead of having Slival show up to do an "only I am allowed to defeat you" thing. Which is what I fully expected to have happen when you got surrounded.
You were just a tiny bit too early on that one, TMA.

And so we did.

This time didnt go quite as smoothly, since the boss got in two attempts to charge up his superweapon. I neglected to say so explicitly, but shooting stuff to stop this attack doesnt damage Flucifers tank at all.

Gwa- Gwaaaaaargh!

The Meteorites are way easier to get by fighting Twenty Cent again, but I will actually bother getting a few Devils Tails for the Kafrizzle recipe because of what were doing next.

Dyou remember that whole business with the key Slival was going on about?

Well, hes way back over here again. Just take the second-screen teleporter, head out the door and go east if you want to find this place.

Sure, I think this whole business needs a bit of resolution.

So there you have it, Slivals entire motivation. He just wants to fight and grow stronger, so lets help him test his strength.

So, uh Slivals definitely been putting the Schwarzman through its paces. Yes, that does say 3000 HP. Yes, that is double what the Schleiman can possibly have.
And yes, those are three Meteorites headed at us. In fact, the Schwarzmans entire ammo supply consists of Meteorites and a couple of Kafrizzles. This is actually a pretty nasty fight if you dont go over there and wail on Slival yourself which I cant do if I want Mama Mia to use her Mum Missile.
Speaking of, you know how I said it did 200 damage to the S. Cargo?

Mum Missile is actually a percentile-based attack. Mama Mia will deal 25% or 12.5% of the enemy tanks maximum HP. Thats right, maximum. Not current.

Just yknow, make sure Mama Mia actually makes it there.

The only real downside to using this attack is the charge-up sound effect. When played on top of one another, it almost sounds normal. But on its own?

Moving swiftly along!

And indeed, you can come back here whenever you like now to fight Slival in his 3000 HP Schwarzman. You can get Orichalslimes, Metal King Swords and possibly Kafrizzles out of this fight. The first ones the reason why I actually farmed up some Devils Tails to make Kafrizzles with, because Orichalslimes are only used in two recipes. (The others the Overdrive Tablet, remember?)
Dr. Fetus posted:
Incidentally, that final Slival fight was actually something nice the localization did for us. In the Japanese version, you needed the GBA Rocket Slime game in the DS to fight Slival, otherwise you just had a rematch against whoever was there before. Localization took that out for obvious reasons.
Dr. Fetus kindly brings us more handy videogame facts.

...The less said about this particular refight, the better.

All of the others go much, much better than this. But still, I figured I should acknowledge the first time this game has actually brought the Schleiman to zero HP.

Okay, thats almost all weve got to do today. Lets just head back to the church

...and use a few cheat codes! There are two tanks that we can unlock through pressing buttons while inside the church; Knightro (Y, L, L, Y, R, R, Y, up, down, select) and Nemesis (Y, R, R, up, L, L, Y, down, down, down, Y, select).
Once thats done, theres only one more thing before we get into the Tank Masters voting.

Ladies and gents, Rockets Rampage. (Dr. Fetus told me everyone in town has a line for being Elasto Blasted, so enjoy this bonus video! I dont expect anyone to watch it.)

While I go and farm up some more ammo to replace what I had to give to Slimechanic, Ill let you all get to voting.
Alright, so we need to talk about Tank Masters! We have four ranks to go through with three battles each, and then a championship battle to cap things off.
Every single battle allows us to choose a tank to use out of all the ones we've beaten, plus a few special ones we've unlocked. (Giggles, the Schwarzman, Knightro and Nemesis.) We also need to decide on some crew members for each rank.
So what I need from each of you is something like this: "Rank C: Tank1, Tank2, Tank3. Crew1/Crew2/Crew3." And let's go ahead and keep things fresh by saying that we'll have no repeats, so if you want a particular crew member for one of the later ranks, they cant have starred in Rank C.

For those of you who would like a reminder, heres a look at our currently available tanks.

And our crew members:
Mother Glooperior
Baron Blubba
Curate Rollo
Tokyo Tom
Flabbot Flancisco
Big Daddy
Mama Mia
Mischievous Mole
Living Statue
Walking Corpse
Dancing Flame
Restless Armour
Killing Machine